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Whether you are joining Sotheby’s Institute of Art for the first time or continuing your studies, the new term offers exciting opportunities to deepen your knowledge, expand your network, and gain hands-on experience in the art world. We asked our alumni what advice they would give to incoming applicants—here's what they had to say...

Adefolakunmi Adenugba
MA Art Business, 2021

"Have a plan. The Sotheby's Institute of Art experience was enriching and impactful for me because, before I started, I developed a list of goals I wanted to achieve through the program. I then expanded this list into smaller objectives I wanted to fulfill, people I wanted to meet, and concepts I wanted to learn, which helped me maintain my focus. Be deliberate with every decision you make with your studies."

Emma Collins
MA Contemporary Art, 2020

"I recommend maximizing your experience at Sotheby’s Institute and being really active in defining your academic and professional path by taking advantage of all the opportunities it offers. Ask questions, introduce yourself to guest lecturers, find areas of research that excite you, challenge yourself with an elective or other activity that is outside your comfort zone – basically just go for it! And then I recommend continuing to stay connected to the Institute as an alum and finding ways to get involved, which is really rewarding. As somebody coming from an interdisciplinary background, I also recommend thinking about all the skills and experiences you bring to a career in the art world, which will help you define a unique path that is right for you."

Lisa Black-Cohen
MA Contemporary Art, 2023

"Be grateful for the incredible opportunity to attend such a stellar institution. It will be an incredible experience in expanding your appreciation of art and the creative works of artists from around the world. Be unafraid of seeking out academic or social support, as it is a demanding curriculum. Once you’re in, know that you deserve to be there and swat aside any imposter syndrome. Reach for your goals with passion and enthusiasm. Lastly, enjoy the journey that Sotheby's Institute affords you, as it is an incredible journey that expands your appreciation for the diversity of expression and understanding that no matter where art comes from, it belongs to us all."

Alexis Sarfati
MA Contemporary Art, 2000

"Make the most of your experience at the Institute and take advantage of every opportunity but also create opportunities of your own. One of the reasons I chose Sotheby’s Institute was to experience the London art world which presents a wealth of occasions to immerse yourself in art and the art market. I recommend attending as many exhibitions openings or museum talks you can, reaching out to industry professionals to learn from their perspectives, creating your own projects, and going the extra mile. Your experience at the Institute is what you make of it, I recommend making one you remember."

Kami Gahiga
MA Art Business, 2020

"I highly recommend staying connected with the faculty at Sotheby's Institute. The lecturers are not only incredibly helpful and supportive, but they also become invaluable mentors and guides. Nurture your connections with the faculty, as they can become lifelong sources of guidance in your career path."

Ready to gain in-depth knowledge of today’s art market and a powerful set of professional skills? Explore Master's degree programs.