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Juliet Hacking

Global Program Director, MA Contemporary Art, London and New York

PhD, MA and BA (Hons), Courtauld Institute of Art, London.

Juliet Hacking began her academic career as a Visiting Lecturer (at the Universities of Derby and Reading, and the Courtauld Institute). In 1999 she took on a year-long research post at the National Portrait Gallery, London, where she also curated the exhibition and wrote the book 'Princes of Victorian Bohemia: Photographs by David Wilkie Wynfield' (Prestel, 2000). From 2000 to 2003 she was a junior specialist in the Photographs Department at Sotheby’s auction house in London, becoming head of the department in 2003. She joined Sotheby's Institute of Art-London in 2006, and was the Program Director of the MA in Photography for 10 years. In 2016 she became a member of the MA in Contemporary Art faculty, in 2018 was appointed as its Program Director, and in 2022 became Global Program Director for the London and New York Contemporary Art programs.

She is the general editor of 'Photography: The Whole Story' (2012), author of 'Lives of the Great Photographers' (2015) [both Thames & Hudson], author of ‘Photography and the Art Market’ (Lund Humphries, 2018) and the co-editor of 'Photography & the Arts: Essays on 19th-Century Practices and Debates' (Bloomsbury, 2020). She is also co-series editor of 'Hot Topics in the Art World' (Sotheby’s Institute/Lund Humphries).

Juliet Hacking
  • Selected Publications

    Selected Publications

    Photography and the Art Market, London: Lund Humphries, 2018

    Lives of the Great Photographers, London: Thames & Hudson, 2015

    Editor of Photography: The Whole Story, London: Thames & Hudson, 2012.

    Princes of Victorian Bohemia: Photographs by David Wilkie Wynfield, London: NPG & Prestel, 2000

    Articles and Essays
    'Photographic Exceptionalism', Photographies, vol. 11, issues 2-3, June to September 2018, pp. 353-366

    ‘Lost in Translation: Interpreting Contemporary Chinese Photography’, Photographies, vol. 8, no. 2, June 2015, pp. 191-210

    ‘Camille Silvy's Repertory:The Carte-de-Visite and the London Theatre’, Art History, vol. 33, issue 5, December 2010, pp. 856-885.

    Von Dewitz, Bodo (ed.), ‘Eine Englishe Bohème: Die Porträtfotografien von David Wilkie Wynfield’, in La Bohème: Die Inszenierung des Künstlers in Fotografien des 19. Und 20. Jahrhunderts, Museum Ludwig Köln, Göttingen: Steidl, 2010, pp. 53-57 (English trans, pp. 334-335).

    ‘The Eroticised Victorian Child: Mrs Holford’s Daughter’, in Godfrey, T. (ed.) Understanding Art Objects: Thinking Through the Eye, London: Lund Humphries, 2009

    'Collecting Photographs', Parts I & 2, Antique Collectors Magazine, Winter 2005/06 and Spring 2006

    'D.W. Wynfield: "The Great Amateur"', History of Photography, vol. 19, no. 4, Winter 1995, pp. 332-7

  • Conferences And Lectures

    Conferences And Lectures

    2019 'The Triumphant Convergence of Photography and Art', The Art World Past, Present and Future 1969-2019++, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, June 2019

    2018 'iPhoto: Private Collectors, Public Taste', Collecting Photography/Photography as Collecting, V&A Museum, November 2018

    2017 'Photographic Exceptionalism', Critical Issues in Photography, University of Westminster and Photographies, May 2017

    2016 ‘Cameron, Class, Colonialism: The Problem Picture in Art Photography’, for Julia Margaret Cameron at 200 conference at Victoria & Albert Museum, January 2016

    2015 ‘Street & Studio: The Photographically Illustrated Press in Britain, 1891-1914’, conference paper for Rethinking Early Photography, University of Lincoln, June 2015

    2011 ‘Through the Ground Glass Screen: 19th Century Photography and Ideal Childhood’, for The Wonder of Alice: Images, Myths and Realities, Tate Liverpool

    2011 and 2008 ‘Untruth to Nature: Photobiography and Mid-19th Century British Landscape Photography’ (research seminar, Birkbeck, University of London, October 2011; University of Bristol, December 2008)

    2008 ‘Lost in Translation? Contemporary Photography from China’ (research seminar, Courtauld Institute of Art, October 2008)

    2003 ‘To Degrade it & Secure for it the Character & Uses of Base Art: Cameron’s True Ambition for Photography’, Julia Margaret Cameron Conference, National Media Museum, Bradford, July 2003

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MA in Contemporary Art - London