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Karen Jones

Course Leader, New York

Karen E. Jones is a curator and critic specializing in Modern and Contemporary Art. She teaches Art History at the Fashion Institute of Technology. She earned her B.A. cum laude in Art/Semiotics and French at Brown University. She completed both the Whitney Independent Study Program and the DeAppel Curatorial Programme, Amsterdam and studied in the Art History Ph.D. Program at Columbia University. Jones has curated numerous exhibitions such as 'The Power of the City/City of Power', Whitney Museum (co-curator), 'Against the Wall: Painting Against the Grid Surface and Frame', Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, 'Exceeding Paint/Expanding Painting', Pratt Manhattan Gallery and 'Archive Bound: Strategies of Conceptual', Performance and Site-Specific Art, Center for Book Arts. Jones was a lecturer at the Museum of Modern Art and the International Center of Photography. She has contributed to the publications Art and Text, Tema Celeste, and Art Critical. Jones served on the Board of the International Studio and Curatorial Program; and as the Culture Chair at the Brown University Club in New York.

Karen Jones