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  • Course Dates & Fees / 코스 날짜 및 비용

    Course Dates & Fees / 코스 날짜 및 비용

    May 22 - July 2, 2024

    2024년 5월 22일 - 7월 2일
    수강료: $ 1,615 + (Site Visit Program Fees)
    Tuition includes 6-8 weeks of instructor guidance and an additional 90 days to review the course at your leisure.
  • Getting Started & How It Works / 시작 및 작동 방식

    Getting Started & How It Works / 시작 및 작동 방식

    SIA Online Community, our learning and networking space, opens two weeks before the course begins. This space provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the learning platform and introduce yourself to fellow students from around the world.
    Visit our How It Works page to learn more about the online learning experience.
    시작 및 작동 방식
    학습 및 네트워킹 공간인 SIA 온라인 커뮤니티는 과정 시작 2 주 전에 열립니다. 이 공간은 학습 플랫폼에 익숙해지고 함께하는 동료 학생들에게 자신을 소개할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.
    온라인 학습 경험에 대해 자세히 알아 보려면 ‘How It Works’ 페이지를 방문하십시오.
  • Faculty / 교수진

    Faculty / 교수진

    Yulhee Kim majored in fine arts at the University of Pennsylvania, Parsons School of Design, and Walnut Hill School of Art in the United States. Early in her career, Yulhee coordinated educational programs for the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea Membership, the first Korean art collectors’ association to fund the museum's collections and ran an art advisory service for a private bank and a gallery for a banking group. Her diverse experience working in Beijing and Seoul since 2007 has allowed her to build relationships with many institutions, galleries, art fairs, collectors and art patrons throughout Asia.
    Betsy Thomas is the founder of a boutique art advisory firm providing professional representation for collectors. She advises on buying and selling in all areas of fine art from Old Master, American & 19th C. paintings to Impressionist, Modern & Contemporary Masters. Previously Betsy was Vice President and Associate Specialist in the 19th Century European Paintings Department at Christie’s.
  • Register / 등록

    Register / 등록

    Click here to register.
    This course is listed under the Premier Course option in the online application. Premier Online Courses are open to anyone 18 years of age and older. Registration takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.
    View Terms and Conditions
    위 수업은 온라인 애플리케이션의 프리미어 코스 옵션 아래에 명시되어 있습니다. 프리미어 온라인 강좌는 만 18세 이상일시 누구나 수강할 수 있습니다. 수강 신청 과정은 5분정도 소요됩니다. 자세한 내용은 김율희 대표 메일 ( 로 문의해 주십시오.